Nature’s metaphor

By TetraMap_Admin

The four Elements

Nature’s four elements – earth, air, water, fire – resonate with many cultures and are simple, memorable, and easily understood as representations of the manner in which people interact. We use capitals for the metaphors: Earth, Air Water, Fire, Elements.

Even though there are strong contrasts in environments around the globe, most people can relate to their own experience of the richness of nature. Like much of what we uncover when we take time to observe, the patterns have been there all the time. The Elements teach us much, link to our own experiences, and show us what’s possible.

Using Nature as a metaphor makes it easy to start conversations and illustrate examples of effective connections, enabling personal reflection, shared discussion. This helps create a common language which is easy to remember and use.

All TetraMap workshops incorporate at least four lessons from Nature: value diversity, be sustainable, work inter-dependently and create synergy.

In our world view, all Elements are equally important and equally necessary for strength, diversity, sustainability and we use all four lenses to encourage whole brain thinking.

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Human nature is so complex, yet TetraMap makes understanding it simple, its nature metaphor being the key to this. It’s a very simple tool, but one that adds incredible value.

Bronwyn Anderson, Certified Facilitator
Change Dynamics, NZ

We are delighted with the results which speak for themselves. TetraMap is the most memorable take away from the Ignite programme. We have used the model in our management training to help improve coaching skills, communication skills and how to recognise how the different elements behave under stress. This has been invaluable in helping our managers develop their teams more effectively.

Tessa Roff, Training Manager 
Nationwide Building Society, UK