Meet The TetraTeam

By Brett

TetraMap’s Beginnings.

TetraMap was created by Jon and Yoshimi Brett who looked to nature to find solutions for valuing diversity and reducing conflict in all its forms. Inspired by the work of Buckminster Fuller, and the shape of the tetrahedron demonstrating the value of inter-dependence and synergy. For over 25 years, their vision continues to capture hearts and minds of TetraMap facilitators around the world, where thousands of organisations benefit from this simple, natural and elegant model.

TetraMap International

Our ‘HQ’ is based in Aotearoa, New Zealand. From there we serve TetraMap facilitators from over 45 countries. We look after systems, technology, client relationships, brand, marketing and intellectual property. Our goal is to make things easy for TetraMap facilitators to reach their clients and organisations and create sticky workshop experiences that have a lasting impact.

Louise Duncan Bio

Louise Duncan

Director TetraMap International

When I discovered TetraMap over twenty years ago, little did I realise it would change the course of my life. I was fascinated by its simplicity and powerful potential as a learning experience. “You can never learn less; you can only learn more.” is a favourite quote from Buckminster Fuller I uphold daily.

Madelize Becker Bio

Madelize Bekker


Hi! I’m, a Master TetraMap Facilitator with over 25 years in learning design and leadership development. I use TetraMap to craft creative strategies for personal and business growth. When not working, I enjoy exploring new cultures and technologies.

Brett Baker

Brett Baker


As a seasoned IT professional, I’m passionate about creating software and bringing TetraMaps ideas to life. I give most of my focus to the systems that support our facilitator network. I love that I can enable them to do more for their clients. Working for TetraMap makes me appreciate nature,  which I embrace when I play Golf or go Scuba Diving.

Jon Brett

John Brett


Yoshimi and I created TetraMap as a metaphor for the nature of behaviour to help people discover for themselves HOW people are different. It is a simple tool which also applies to the behaviour of systems and can help us develop eco-centric approaches mimicking the emergent evolution of Nature.

Yoshimi Brett

Yoshimi Brett

TetraMap Co-Creator, Facilitator of change, Author, Learner

Alongside Jon, I co-created TetraMap. Now “retired” …we’re thrilled to have the space to crystallise lessons learned from TetraMap and to apply those lessons in support of Nature. Our intentions are to help leaders embrace the mindset that we ARE Nature. When we heal Nature, we heal ourselves.

Diego Silveira

Diego Silveira

Marketing Consultant

As a Marketing Consultant, Content Creator and University Lecturer, my role at TetraMap is to ensure that our message is spread with a high level of quality to all of our subscribers and users. Creating videos, posts and content helps to reflect our goals and is the same principle that I use in my daily life to record my passion for all types of sports.

Jamie Vunivesilevu


I’ve always loved words and story-telling, and that’s why I love my role here at TetraMap. I use words to share the TetraMap message so we can reach, and inspire, as many people as possible with this incredible learning experience. When I’m not crafting content, I am a busy mum to 2 young children. They keep me on my toes and my heart full! 

TetraMap United Kingdom

Based in England with a particular focus on UK and Europe. The TetraMap UK team work inter-dependently with TetraMap international, and because of differences in times zones it makes sense so we can always respond quickly and efficiently. We are one team, bound closely by values, and love of what we do.

Ruth Robinson

Ruth Robinson

General Manager UK

As General Manager and Certified Facilitators at TetraMap UK & Europe, I am the driving force behind business operations. which means I am responsible for budgets and forecasts, strategy, enquiries, supporting facilitators and collaborating with clients to unlock TetraMap’s transformative potential. With a keen eye for marketing, I like to ensure TetraMap shines bright.

Emma Mauger

Emma Mauger

MTF, Community Developer, Coach

My TetraMap journey began in 2016 when I certified as a facilitator – at the very inspiring Eden Project in Cornwall, UK. Less than three years later, I chose to go deeper and become an MTF. I’m constantly intrigued by how multifaceted TetraMap is as a learning tool – whether working one-on-one or in groups. Sharing TetraMap with others and learning alongside other people in our community are great sources of joy for me.

Helen Harris

Helen Harris


I provide administrative support and assistance to Ruth for TetraMap UK & Europe. Being organised is key to my role and I love making sure all our facilitators have the right resources at hand and receive them promptly. The more I work with TetraMap the more I learn about myself and others.

Elaine Vinter

Communications Consultant

My background is PR and communications and I love to bring ideas and concepts to life. Story telling is a huge part of that and TetraMap is full of amazing stories! As a longtime fan of TetraMap, I want to share your stories and continue to promote our global community.


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