Our Impact

By TetraMap_Admin

Impact means the positive changes, or outcomes, that happen as the result of an action.

What is our impact?

The action we refer to is often a learning experience, such as a workshop or a personal development activity.
We aim to ensure the impact on people, organisations and the planet are positive, ethical, and healthy – which has been part of our vision and values for 20 years.

Our Impact

The best way of demonstrating impact is to share stories, feedback and comments from some of the people we have touched.

Our impact stories come in different forms: articles, blogs, case studies, podcasts, and simple testimonials. In different ways each illustrates how TetraMap reaches and forms bridges across cultures, sectors, ages, demographics and worldviews.

You’ll be able to see hear and read more on the following pages. Our impact stories 

TetraMap validates people, it enhances their self-esteem and most importantly, allows for difference to be seen as a significant team strength.
Ian Blackwell, Executive Coach and Team Facilitator. 

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