Benefits and Outcomes

By TetraMap_Admin

The benefit of TetraMap depends on who is seeking the answer.
High Five
By Fauxels on Pexels

Workshop Participants

Often the most important benefits sit with understanding themselves – maybe for the first time. By asking the question Why Are You Like That? the ‘light bulb moments happen when suddenly learners realize something about themselves or have a good idea about how to resolve a conflict that has been bothering them.

A powerful realisation happens when they understand why they rub someone up the wrong way, or why someone in the team finds their communication style frustrating, overpowering or too picky. The process of unpicking this in the context of a facilitated workshop where a key message is strength lies in valuing differences provides an experience, a tool, an approach and a strategy for understanding self and how to get the most from colleagues in the context of a team.


“TetraMap validates people, it enhances their self-esteem and most importantly, allows for difference to be seen as a team strength.”


Sharing at home also has benefits

Family Selfie
By Any Lane on Pexels

Many workshop participants are keen to share lightbulb moments when they get home. They want to use their knowledge and newfound skills to improve relationships outside of work. How can I share this at home? is a question asked at almost every workshop! The learner then becomes the teacher – and reinforces the value of what they learned at work also has significant relevance for family dynamics and relationships.

Because TetraMap is easy to learn and simple to remember, it becomes useful for a lifetime. As we are communicating and interacting in different relationships and contexts every day, this quickly and easily becomes a newfound skill set with many opportunities for practice, feedback and increased understanding.

“TetraMap is now part of me in my life.”
Workshop Participant 

Organisations value these benefits

River Rafting
By Keith Allan Moore on Pixabay

Where teams collaborate well, and across departments and nations, solve their own problems, listen to each other, and know how to leverage their natural differences and diversity. A team where the leadership responsibility lies with each of them – individually and collectively.

Everyone speaks a common language which helps to get people on the same page and reduces communications barriers. They appreciate the straightforward language and how TetraMap refuses to ‘box them in’. The experience created is safe and positive, and metaphor creates a universally acceptable and label-free language.

Don’t expect TetraMap to be a quick fix. It is not. An organisational approach requires a mindset shift. From short to long-term thinking. From Ego to Eco. From blame to responsibility and from independence to inter-dependence.

“Helped me to appreciate the way we are and what each team member can contribute in their unique way to complete the team.”
TetraMap Facilitator

Facilitator Benefits

As you’d expect, the TetraMap Facilitator Certification Course give you the knowledge and skills to run your own TetraMap workshops in your own context. You’ll learn that TetraMap’s approach is more about context and less about content.

You’ll learn that facilitation makes it easy and how to apply that concept in your work. You’ll learn how to create catalytic questions – questions that provoke many right answers from many different perspectives. And much more.

You’ll practice in teams and apply what you’ve learnt. You’ll make it your own and uphold the TetraMap vision and values.

“Helped me to appreciate the way we are and what each team member can contribute in their unique way to complete the team.”
TetraMap Facilitator

Coach Rock
By Rodnae Productions on Pexels

You’ll have a ready-made and comprehensive resource kit, access to a huge selection of videos and tips we’ve curated. Our workshop resources are all digitally enabled as well as paper-based. This means anytime anywhere you can reach your learners with TetraMap. Our custom made TetraPanel gives you real-time results and dynamic interactive visual capabilities, which support – but do not replace the facilitator.

You’ll become a member of our global network. It’s here you’ll meet like-minded people also doing important work in their own communities. TetraMap facilitators work across the globe in education, community, youth and corporate learning. We call this our TetraMap Family.

The end of the course is the start of your journey of lifetime learning. Your course facilitators will support you and your success.
You’ll be invited to participate in ongoing events and meet your community. You’ll become one of us, and have fun learning together.

“TetraMap as a model makes it very easy for my learners to understand the complexity of a particular subject matter.”
TetraMap facilitator

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