Conny Huaki

Conny Huaki

Certified: 15th August 2018

Phone: 0274935660

Conny’s qualifications include a Bachelor in Business Management, Diploma in Adult Tertiary Teaching, New Zealand Certificate in Adult Literacy and Numeracy (Educator and Vocational) and her experience has mainly been delivering within the Education and Justice Sectors.

Conny Huaki has been facilitating TetraMap workshops since 2018 and enjoys the oho (awakening) of the participants when they learn the value of returning to nature and their natural preferences.

Tuakiri (identity) and self-efficacy are at the core of a person’s self-awareness and self-care leading to oranga (wellbeing) it’s about your connection to the elements.

Co-facilitating a TetraMap Certification course
(with Kataraina Pipi and Louise Duncan)

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