Corene Walker

Corene Walker

Certified: 05th August 2009

InzideEdge LogoInzideEdge
Coach + Uplifter
P O Box 12
Waihi Beach 3642
+64 21 358009


I’ve crafted a life understanding its intricacies, especially with people and emotional awareness, that’s completely on purpose. And I’d love to help you do the same, nailing this thing called people stuff that comes up every day. There’s no greater success than learning how to rise above and deliberately stay there longer, regardless of what’s going down.

Bring TetraMap into this mix and now we are cracking the code moving away from transactional and directly into transformational. To step in fully into who we truly are individually + collectively is vital for making the biggest difference.

Enter a new TetraMap product – The Nature of Conversations. As part of the 3-way collaboration with TetraMap International and Leadscape Learning, Inc., I’m proud to be on this development team. This programme combines emotional awareness with TetraMap, plus a powerful generic coach-blend into our conversations. This trio becomes a non-negotiable to bring about powerful soulful workplaces that are right on time for our world today.

So here I am … your greatest cheerleader, your healthiest disruptor, wise, courageous, vulnerable, brave, intuitive, passionate, and gutsy. It’s simply a pleasure to empower each other so the ripple effects boldly make the biggest, richest impacts.


Leadership, Culture Change, exciting Teal Team Development, onto-it Emotional Awareness


Our team is very excited about the introduction of the Teal philosophy and extension of TetraMap within our school. It creates many possibilities for self-management and individuals realising their own potential, free from the traditional structures of schooling systems.
Corene has laid the foundations over several years working with us around our team culture, becoming very clear and focused around our vision, values and team tactics. The understandings that underpin the team culture work; TetraMap, above and below the line, passive-aggressive-assertive, the drama triangle etc., alongside a coach approach sets the foundation for us to work in a completely different and sustainable way.
The energy from the staff lifted with the thought of being autonomous, truly working from the heart, being able to respond to the child that needs something different at that moment, a freedom from pre-determined plans and structures in favour of carefully co-constructed responses to meet children’s needs. It is exciting to think we can motivate teachers and students to be their best through this outstanding culture.
Linda Fraser – Principal, West Gore School

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