David Dodd

David Dodd


I am a self-employed facilitator and coach with a focus on engagement, self-management and communication.

My focus and style reflects my own passions and experience. I am passionate about the business world and have a deep experience of a demanding business environment. I am also a long-time practitioner and teacher of yoga which grows our ability to connect and to be in the present moment. And it is through connection in the present moment that real creativity and deep learning happens and we open to the possible.

I have run my own facilitation and coaching business since 2006 and have a broad experience across the corporate, small business and charity sectors, and with working with clients across Europe and beyond.

TetraMap Facilitation

TetraMap is a simple yet powerful and flexible tool. TetraMap’s rooting in Nature makes it both easy to ‘get’ & work with across cultures and well-suited to our common shift towards – and challenge of – a more sustainable way of work and play.

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David Dodd
Awareness and Change
Certified 01/12/2017

Awareness and Change