David Lloyd

David Lloyd


I’m a project & change manager working for Home Retail Group (Argos, Homebase & Habitat) in the United Kingdom. I’m Earth / Air so people around me would say I’m great at delivering & making sure things are right when they do get delivered. This is my first venture into learning & development & I’m often apprehensive about things like this so I believe I bring an ‘outside’ perspective; I know how people (who may struggle to engage in something like this) think & would want to be engaged in the journey…because I WAS one of those people who’s now fully involved.


TetraMap Facilitation

I think Tetra Map is the most easily remembered behavioural profiling tool in the market. It’s astounding to see people ‘get’ why people are like they are after working with them for ages! I’ve seen people adopt the learning & visibly change as a result & I’ve not seen anything anywhere near as effective!

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David Lloyd
Home Retail Group
Certified 09/07/2013

Home Retail Group
489-499 Avebury Boulevard
Milton Keynes