Gabby Prowse

Gabby Prowse

Certified:  4th October 2018

Gabby Prowse Training
Phone: 07736927860


Get the ‘you’ skills right and the team stability and cohesion will follow.

Investing in yourself and your team is so important. Everything starts with the individual. Learning to understand more about who you are, how you interact, and how others perceive us.

Your organisation needs individuals, working as a cohesive whole. That’s how you’ll move from survival mode to thriving.

So how do you do that?

You need workshops that support you & your team with tried and tested, tools and techniques. And it’s so important that learning is stimulation, enjoyable and memorable. That’s the way it will stick and your investment will pay dividends.

Building inner strength, self-awareness and resilience to help sustain you and your team is essential. Resilience is a resource and like all resources, it will help you achieve your goals, but only if it nurtured and replenished.

I use TetraMap to underpin my unique resilience model ‘Five Pillars of Resilience’ which has been developed in answer to the growing need for personal and team resilience skills workshops.

I’ve just attended Resilience training with Gabby and it was well researched with lots of attention to detail. Gabby is a warm and experienced trainer and I highly recommend her.

Julia Cawte

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