Kararaina McLean

Kararaina McLean

Kararaina McLeanCertified: 09th September 2015

Telephone: 021 111 7709

Tēnā koutou katoa

I apply TetraMap in all aspects of my life and what I find so fascinating about TetraMap is there are no opposites. Each element compliments and draws strength from each other. This reminds us that in the face of adversity, we can be optimistic and solution focused, we can be agile and structured and we can be firm and fair. 

As much as TetraMap transforms individuals, teams and organisations it also transforms oneself. TetraMap has guided me to think carefully and critically, to listen with compassion and empathy, to speak purposefully and confidently and to act with integrity in a way that uplifts the mana, mauri and wairua of others. 

TetraMap is a koha I have received with deep appreciation and with a responsibility and a commitment to share with others so you too can use the power of TetraMap to transform self and others.

Nō reira tēnā koutou katoa

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