Ow Su-Wen Michelle

Ow Su-Wen Michelle


I work primarily with youth, in developing their self and team leadership potential. I believe that youth are the foundation of our future and working with them brings great joy and satisfaction for having played a part in building the future.

The approach that we practise is the experiential learning approach, incorporating activities into our lessons, to engage the participants, and to enable and empower the participants to be relevant in their learning.


TetraMap Facilitation

TetraMap is easy for people of all ages to understand and learn with, especially in terms of self and team discovery and cohesiveness.

In my 14 years of training, the students that I work with really understand the TetraMap concepts and see relevance on how to work on their relationships with one another, as well as how to improve themselves as individuals. It has value-added to their learning experience and they are able to grow more effectively.

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Ow Su-Wen Michelle
Chrysalists Pte Ltd
Certified 28/11/2012

Chrysalists Pte Ltd