Peter Skeen

Peter Skeen


I worked for over 30 years in Australian Government Human Resources including over 15 years as a HR Director. From this experience, I have developed a passion for assisting individuals, teams, and organisations strive to be their best and work towards their passions and potential. I see TetraMap as being a valuable tool in the journey to achieving this.

I have run a number of TetraMap workshops for various Commonwealth departments. I am a Certified Professional with the Australian Human Resources Institute and am also currently working towards certification as an executive/life coach.



I was fortunate to observe some workshops using TetraMap for team building and was struck by the ease with which it engaged the participants and the results that flowed from this engagement. The experiential component helped to embed the learnings without making it hard work.

I have been impressed with its wide-ranging applicability to work, home, and other situations.

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Peter Skeen
Certified 08/08/2013

Canberra, Australia
0412 166 944