Rena-May Hough

RenaMay Hough

RenaMay Hough

Certified 22/04/2016

RenaMay Hough
Creative Writing Coach, On Island Writers Facilitator



My work has been predominantly in the field of health and well-being, in particular therapeutic massage, herbology, natural remedies, and organic gardening. Communication is a vital key to affecting and affecting the best path for clients to follow.

As a mother and grandmother, non-violent child management strategies became paramount to breaking generational cycles to reduce and eliminate the impact these patterns have on future generations. Word, Art, and Craft became a means to process and dissolve these issues.

TetraMap Training is the very best training I have ever had. TetraMap IS the ability to embrace you as you are, enhance your elemental preferences, expand your skills and latent talents, and empower you to take the required actions to accomplish your aims and aspirations.

For me, TetraMap has:

  • Publishing an anthology of my poetry
  • An exhibition of my own and many other Artists
  • WordWeaver Creative Writing Workshops
  • Coordinator for On Island Writers
  • Develop PictoGlyph Art Paintings

For me professionally TetraMap assisted me to:

  • Coach with ease and grace
  • Listen to people with an open heart
  • Bridle my passion and support others with their passion
  • Be fun and creative without losing focus on flow, function, and finishing.
  • TetraMap is a tool I am very happy to share to promote personal development and talent.


Creative Expression in Word and Art

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