I have worked successfully as an independent facilitator and leadership coach for fifteen years. For the last four years I have also been researching how leadership behaviour can promote successful business whilst minimising detrimental ecological impact. I have some interesting findings that will now enhance my work with people undertaking a variety of leadership roles. Excitingly my findings are enhanced by the clarity and reliability of TetraMap.
I am currently also an Associate Tutor with The Open University working on an expansive programme of Leadership development within NHS England.
I facilitate and coach leadership learning in groups and one to one, in academic and business settings, in small and large organisations, on line and in person.
I am passionate about the power of learning and the natural world that surrounds us, two aspects of life that I bring together through my work promoting self-awareness of the interconnectivity of all life forms, however diverse and distant some connections may seem.
I believe the two most important things to constantly consider are that everything happens in a context and there are as many perspectives of a situation as there are people involved. This is almost my mantra, I say it so often!
I ask people to consider situations by ‘standing in the shoes of the other’ – it’s amazing how many issues are successfully and productively resolved by making this metaphorical move.
I love the simplicity and values of TetraMap, that everything about the concept derives from an appreciation and awareness of nature’s systems. At the same time TetraMap is convincing and credible in the world of corporate business.
Our actions are driven by our thinking and language; we create our own realities. TetraMap helps us to appreciate and value the diversity of others’ realities.
To enable organisations to be successful and minimise ecological damage I believe we have to emulate the iterative nature of natural systems; nature has sustained life forms over thousands of years.
TetraMap helps me to promote ‘both/and’ thinking prevalent in nature, whereas in the world of business we are so often beset with desperately difficult ‘either/or’ situations and decisions.
TetraMap enables us to appreciate our own valued contribution and role in the interconnectivity and interdependency of all things working with others to benefit the whole.