Susan Davie

Susan Davie


Originally from the United States, Susan Davie combines a background of nearly 20 years of sales experience with over 10 years coaching and counselling of business professionals. As a broker/owner in the U.S. health insurance industry for 15 years, Susan was a consistently high individual producer and also trained and managed the sales team. A desire to focus her energies in the personal development field led to building a successful private practice working with individuals and conducting seminars incorporating NLP, hypnotherapy and life skills coaching.

Upon arriving in Australia, and from 1999 to 2005, Susan held the role of Senior Consultant with international training organisations. In creating New Choices in January 2005, Susan continues to blend her business and people development experience in sales, sales management, customer service, effective communication skills, training facilitation and coaching in a powerful and personable style. Susan lives her passion for creating a positive impact in the lives of those she works with.

Degrees and Accreditations earned:

  • Doctorate in Clinical Hypnotherapy
  • Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming
  • Cultural Transformation Tools**
  • Emotional Intelligence (Genos)**
  • Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
  • Human Synergistics (LSI/GSI)**
  • Spiral Dynamics (Dr. Clare Graves Values Work)
  • Fierce Conversations®
  • Institute for Executive Coaching Level 1
  • iWAM (inventory for Work Attitudes and Motivations)
  • TetraMap®

** indicates 360® tools

Industry Experience Includes:

  • Energy, Financial, Government, Insurance, Manufacturing, Media, Pharmaceuticals, Professional Services, Publishing, Retirement Living, Superannuation, Telecommunications and Utilities
  • Executive Coaching
  • Leadership
  • Sales (Products and Services)
  • Customer Service

Extended delivery capabilities exist for large projects utilising a network team of highly qualified and experienced professional consultants and facilitators. Let’s talk about what outcomes you want to create for your organisation.


TetraMap Facilitation

I have found TetraMap to be the most fun and effective behavioural, communication and planning model I’ve encountered. The wonderful design and philosophy of inter-relatedness and synergy have great appeal for participants, and offers a common language and approach across multiple levels and functions in organisations. The 3-dimensional thinking that results (versus polarised opposites) enables people to simplify the complex and, at the same time, generate strong, positive outcomes. I find that everyone simply loves it!

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Susan Davie
New Choices
Certified 17/12/2008

New Choices

19 Lakeside Drive
Sandhurst VIC 3977

61 3 8787 7882