Kylie’s story

By Louise - November 15, 2019

Becoming a facilitator has unlocked a much deeper understanding of how to harness the potential of diversity for radical collaboration.

by Kylie Bailey – GoodSense Marketing, New Zealand 

A gift 

In August 2019, I was given the gift of becoming a TetraMap facilitator, thanks to GoodSense. I was familiar with TetraMap as part of the work I do with this organisation, having been coached on how to use it internally by owners Kath Dewar and Jo Patterson, as well as how to apply it to coach clients to successful marketing and communications outcomes.

However, participating in the certification course and becoming a facilitator has really unlocked a much deeper understanding of how to harness the potential of diversity for radical collaboration.

As part of my work with GoodSense, I regularly coach clients and becoming a TetraMap facilitator has literally provided a whole new awakening. Almost every day, I have my workbook open at the TetraPath of Learning on my desk and use this process to facilitate co-creation workshops and deliver effective coaching sessions.

I have also noticed that, since becoming a TetraMap facilitator, interpersonal relationships I once found challenging, feel like they can now be navigated with a newfound ease.

Another context 

I have even been inspired to take this model into my yoga teaching and have found that the TetraPath of Learning, in particular, produces powerful results in communicating perceptual practice. Using the techniques of experience, reflection, generalisation and envisioning seem to be aiding the beginner students in my weekly class to better understand the context and relevance of yoga in the modern world and they are able to apply that to their learning process. Over the last two months, I’ve observed them become more engaged as I utilise the different learning styles and techniques learnt as a TetraMap facilitator.

Not only do the relationships I am fostering with my clients and colleagues feel much more connected (and are delivering the results!), but TetraMap has also given me a framework for my own self-communication. It has empowered me to confidently tackle any communications challenges (both personal and interpersonal) that comes my way by helping me to reframe them as an opportunity.  

Practically applying what I learnt at the TetraMap facilitators course has proven that strength really does lie in valuing differences.

I will be forever grateful that TetraMap and I crossed paths and I know it will continue to profoundly influence my work, both now and forever into the future.

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