We’ve launched TetraMap Discovery

By Louise

We've launched a new online learning website and mini courses to help us all reach more people and impact more lives for the better.

TetraMap DiscoveryGreetings Everybody

I hope you and your loved ones are taking good care, and are looking forward with optimism to a bright future ahead. We’re reaching out to connect about an exciting new development, and it’s something you have asked us for.

We all know how powerful TetraMap is for making peoples’ lives happier and more productive and we want to give you the capability to impact even more lives.

That’s why we’ve launched TetraMap Discovery – a new programme of free samples, and an online short course to help you unlock the power of TetraMap for your people at home, at work and in your communities.

This is a bumper bonus. It’s something you can offer to continue learning after a face-to-face workshop, give as a ‘refresher’ gift to your TetraMap alumni, or use it as a helpful marketing taster.

It is a way to say thank you to you for being part of our global community. 

As Certified TetraMap Facilitators (CTFs), we all know how useful TetraMap is for strengthening our human skills. We also know it’s imperative more people develop these. Not just for their own self-awareness but to build better communication and collaboration to meet the challenges of our changing world.

We hope your corporate clients will value this holistic approach to learning and wellbeing. With TetraMap Discovery, you can offer a complimentary tool that lets them share workplace learning with others.

We have created some free courses to whet people’s appetite and introduce them to TetraMap with fast and easy 15 minute-learning programmes provide simple tips for personal development, motivating people to discover how they can enhance their life skills, work and family relationships.

There are three free short courses ready to share right now. These are:

As each no-cost course focuses on a common frustration, such as how people behave in meetings, you can tailor them to appeal to different needs.

Plus, people can improve on the go because these new short courses can be accessed anytime, anywhere and from any device.

We have a paid-for course Why am I like that? which provides the learner with their a simplified instrument and their top two preferences. It will help them to understand themselves and others better and introduce TetraMap’s common Elemental language and messages. This course is primarily for individuals and is focused on the individual, their family and friends

In an instant, you can support anyone you meet who is interested in knowing more about TetraMap to view the world differently with useful insights and online information to increase communication and collaboration, and reduce conflict in everyday interactions.

To help us all to get the word out, TetraMap International is planning to:

  • Include the URL as a link in all workbooks and resources so you can point to it as a bonus during your workshops
  • Add the URL to the end screen of the digital instrument
  • Share posts about it across our social media channels
  • Explore the possibility of emailing everyone who has previously completed the digital instrument (with data and privacy considerations) . We will let you know as our thinking on this develops.  

This is a simple way to start the journey of learning with TetraMap. That’s why we’re encouraging you to share this with others so we can work together for the benefit of humanity. As you know, strong relationships and effective communication are essential skills for all.

Not only are you invited to check out this page – https://discovery.tetramap.com/free-courses/ – and provide any feedback to us, but we’ll also be in touch with opportunities to connect, contribute and collaborate to discuss the potential for this development. 

That way, when the time is right, you can be confident to share this exciting new initiative with the people in your eco-system who need it most.

Who’s ready to impact the lives of more people, in more places? Let’s collaborate and do this together!

Ngā mihi | Warm regards,

Louise Duncan and your TetraMap Team. 

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