Unleashing the potential in our
next generation of leaders

By TetraMap_Admin

TetraMap International sponsors the annual Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) each year and has done since 2004! 

TetraMap has proudly supported the Rotary Young People Leadership Awards (RYLA) since 2004. It is a highlight for us being invited back every year to share our time, resources and expertise, and to meet some of the brightest future leaders from New Zealand.

About RYLA:

RYLA is a 5-day experiential live-in programme designed to help young people develop their teamwork and communication skills and fulfil their potential as leaders.

RYLA was first established in Queensland, Australia in 1959, and was officially adopted by Rotary International in 1971 as part of their ongoing commitment to developing future leaders. Since then, Rotary clubs and districts around the world have sponsored hundreds of promising future leaders to attend the programme, where they can expand their skills and build meaningful networks.

Find out more about RYLA at Ryla’s Website

How do we support RYLA?

Each year, Louise and a small team of facilitators head along to deliver our ‘Unleash Your Natural Potential’ sessions during the first 2 days of the event. Participants are introduced to the TetraMap model, and learn practical skills that, according to 2017-2020 Programme Director, Ganesh Cherian, “quickly orientates them to get the most out of the groups they are working with. It then becomes their go-to mechanism to evaluate and improve team dynamics throughout the rest of the program”.

Our facilitators inject lots of fun, flair and depth into the activities, and participants come away with a deeper understanding of themselves and others.

Hear from 2022 RYLA participants, Fabian and Matt, about some of the key takeaways from their TetraMap experience.



Building geodesic domes:

“A geodesic dome is a strong and stable structure that uses a minimum amount of resources, to enclose the maximum amount of space”

One of the activities we do each year at the end of day one, is ask participants to work in their groups to build a geodesic dome. Participants at this point have completed ‘My Nature, Your Nature’, so they have an understanding of their own elemental preferences and those within their team. The best part of this activity for us , is seeing teams come together and relationships starting to form where difference is celebrated and seen as a strength.

Check out what some of our 2013 participants have to say about this activity.


TetraMap is an integral part of the RYLA programme and is consistently rated highly on participants’ feedback sheets. The value of TetraMap as a tool lies in its ability to help our participants better understand themselves and others over several energy-packed and fun sessions. It is a tool for action, enabling each participant to understand how to work effectively with others to attain their desired goal, and one which participants can integrate into their everyday life. As such it is a very important part of the RYLA program.
Debbie Noon, RYLA coordinator 

“I personally took out of [TetraMap] the different ways people think to get to the same goal, and I will find that tool easy to use later in life when trying to work with other people”
Matt, 2022 RYLA Participant

So [with] TetraMap, I found out I was a fire, and thats been really awesome for me as it’s allowed to be more in confident in
being expressive, and it’s allowed me to connect with others of the fire energy”
Fabian Johnson, 2022 RYLA participant

“Participants regularly report that TetraMap is the most practical of all the skills we teach them and they go on to use it widely in their workplaces and personal relationships.”
Ganesh Cherian, Programme Director 2017-2020

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