‘Why are you like
that?’ eLearning – post

By TetraMap_Admin

Post-workshop eLearning

The eLearning is designed for people who have attended a Why are you like that? workshop and already have an understanding of the model and Elemental preferences.

Key benefits


Step 1: Order

Step 2: Receive links

Step 3: Email registration link to participants

Step 4: Logins

Key benefits

  • Realistic video-based scenarios which relate to many day-to-day business contexts.
  • Fast-paced, flexible learning – save time and money, learn at your desk.
  • Builds on previous knowledge, reinforcing and extending workshop content.
  • Keeps learning alive – ongoing development for individuals, managers, and teams.


The programme has five parts:

  • Welcome – 4 mins
    A quick summary of the basics: nature as a metaphor, properties of the tetrahedron, and nature’s principles.
  • Can you remember? – 10 mins
    An interactive 8-point refresher quiz, including the key attributes of each of the Elements, the logical construct of the model, and the importance of flexing your style to enhance communication and build rapport.
  • Start TetraMapping – 38 mins
    A series of six short business-scenario-based short video and audio clips. All are followed by questions to reinforce learning and provide additional information to enhance understanding. Topics include: a team meeting; a conference call; the Elements under stress; work environment; coaching and feedback; and a presentation.
  • TetraTips – 5 mins
    Valuable, useful one-line tips to remember when communicating with each of the Elements.
  • Summary – 2 mins
    Consolidation and reflection.

Step 1: Order

Order from the Order Products page below the workbooks in the left column. As you do for workbooks, order the number you require – one per participant.

Step 2: Receive links

You will get an email from the TetraMap office giving you two links:

  • A registration link
  • A logins link

The registration link is for participants to register using their name, email address, and chosen password. Registration is active for 1 year after the purchase date. Once they’ve registered, they can come back and log in as often as they like.

The logins link is for you to check who has logged in and how often.

The links contain a generated number. If you want a shorter redirection link with e.g. your client’s name in it, please let us know.

Step 3: Email registration link to participants

When you want participants to start learning (after going through a TetraMap workshop), email them the registration link.

This is what the web page will look like:

The access code is unique to your participants (and won’t look like the one above); they must leave it unchanged or they will be unable to register.

Step 4: Logins

At any point you can go to the logins page and see who has logged in, and how often. We do not record how well each person did as they’re encouraged to redo any exercises and learn from that.

Here’s an example of a logins page.

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