Why become a Master TetraMap

By TetraMap_Admin

This is more than a course or a programme, it is an inspiring and invigorating journey that has deepened my understanding of TetraMap, grown my confidence to facilitate, widened my thinking and worldview and connected me with others in the TetraMap community.

Is it for you? 

The Master TetraMap Facilitator programme is about transformation, leadership, legacy and scale. 

It is for Certified TetraMap Facilitators who have seen the impact of TetraMap for themselves and who want to go deeper, broader, and further. You want be part of a global community, and expand your own network and worldviews. You want to open the door for others to appreciate and use TetraMap’s ability to help create positive change. 

It’s not for everyone, but you already know if your growth mindset is open and curious. It’s likely you want to be a bigger part of something trying to make a better difference in the world – and have a firm belief that we’ll go further when we go together. 

Inside or outside an organisation? 

If you’re working inside an organisation you’ll become the linchpin, the glue that links strategy to actions. You’ll guide others to move beyond ‘workshops’ and activate a daily way of being based on collaboration and holistic thinking.  If you’re an independent consultant and excellent facilitator you’ll have a new set of ideas to bring to your clients, especially those who already love TetraMap and it’s brand values, and who want to do more. And, if you have a development idea, turn it into a project and bring it to our shared table. This is work of creativity, sometimes uncertainly, but always interesting, valuable and stretching. 

Hear from others: MTF Anja Doil explains why she participated and what surprised her!  

If you would like to contact Anja you can do so here:
Anja Doil
Vemmer.Doil Coaching & Consulting GmbH & Co. KG
Berlin & Bielefeld, Germany
email: ad@vemmer-doil.de


“The programme itself has a clear outline and is challenging as it stands but you can decide to walk the bigger hills if you want to. Yes, commitment is crucial. But it’s up to you how deep you take your own learning experience.”
Emma Mauger, Lucid, Guernsey, Channel Islands

Read More

The programme is offered globally and in 2024 will be led by Emma Mauger, supported by Louise Duncan, and other MTF Coaches. You will ‘meet’ the founders of TetraMap, Yoshimi and Jon Brett,  and other exceptional TetraMap Facilitators who will share their experience, knowledge, and skill sets with you.   Learning from others who give with generosity is part of what makes the programme special. 

You’ll learn more about TetraMap and it’s philosophies, but more importantly you’ll learn how to participate in a programme with many possibilities and few limitations.  Don’t expect pass or fail, right or wrong, black and white or even start and finish. Do expect new relationships built on trust and mutual respect, a lot of learning and exploration and plenty of laughter along the way. 

The more you read, reflect, learn, share and participate, the more you take away from this incredible experience.
Mā te aro ka ako, mā te ako ka ora. Through reflection we learn, through learning we live.”
Kararaina McLean, Statistics NZ, New Zealand | Aotearoa

Gems and Opportunities? 

As TetraMap’s credibility and reach continue to grow, so do the opportunities. Sharing TetraMap with others requires a generous and values-based mindset. This includes perspectives on: competitors, sharing facilitation opportunities with others, and occasional moral dilemmas. TetraMap International’s values of transparency and responsibility in particular may challenge traditional mindsets around how we work inter-dependently without slipping into win/lose scenarios. 



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If you’re thinking of investing the time into becoming a Master Facilitator – do it…its been an amazing learning experience that has benefited me individually but also my organisation.

Allyson Fay, Employee Experience & Engagement Manager, previously Telefonica O2, UK


Going deep was exactly what I needed. A very good investment of time and money – personal and professional growth guaranteed!
Robyn Walshe, Australia


The project was the most valuable yet challenging module for me. It was challenge for me to collect the necessary data and analysis for the subsequent presentation. Trust yourself that you have the resources within you.
Yap Pik Hwee Raymond, Singapore


It gave me lots of opportunity to be creative, to think about different training styles and how these can be accommodated, and to look at new ways of bringing TetraMap to life for learners.
Nicki Davey, UK


The most valuable things were learning from the experience of those who have gone before, growing my understanding of the many different facets of TetraMap, and being challenged.
Stuart Fleming, Aotearoa New Zealand


The process of qualifying as a Master Facilitator has taught me that its simplicity and richness captivate all who experience TetraMap, having a positive impact on people and organizations while improving personal relationships and processes.
Jessica Jimenez, Mexico