Case studies – by sector



Introducing TetraMap to your organization the EASY WAY.


This is a story of momentum, of something small that kept growing and is still growing strong for an IT consultancy with about 13.000 employees in 28 countries.

Taking TetraMap® to Eden to create a better world


Having a deep sense of purpose is essential for a meaningful life, and for me this is about doing what I can to help create a more loving and sustainable world. I was therefore really excited to be able to deliver a TetraMap® Facilitator Certification Programme at the Eden Project in Cornwall last month (Nov 2017)

Opening minds when engaging and negotiating with stakeholders


ATN Group is delivering of training programmes for Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply. Including TetraMap helped participants prioritise what was important in negotiation – the process and impact of personality on the process. 

From court case to communication


TetraMap helped a public sector client to resolve a Personal Grievance claim of bullying and get a seriously damaged working relationship back on track  

Impacting a corporate culture


TetraMap created a connection through common understandings, visions, and language. Initially, I was pretty sceptical. Mainly because I couldn’t see how such a simple model could stick and be used throughout the business at all levels. However, it did not take me long before I noticed how many people were talking about it. 

Igniting sales and service


The benefits to the organisation have been far-reaching beyond improving customer service and sales opportunities. Managers are now better equipped to deal with challenging situations and there is a greater understanding and tolerance within teams.

Changing the language of business


The model continues to engage individuals by helping them with team building, new team formation, reducing conflict, and managing and leading others.

Making a difference in the banking world


A German savings bank introduced a financial counseling concept involving a significant culture change. As a simple and holistic model for dealing with diversity, TetraMap was integrated into the sales executives’ training.