Category Index

Emotional Intelligence

The Secret of TetraMap: What makes the difference?

May 27, 2024 - TetraMap_Admin

In this article, Sandra Rosch discusses the most frequently asked question in TetraMap workshops is “What is the difference between the DISG model and TetraMap?” . You could well be surprised to hear her perspective. 

Leadership, TetraMap® and Compassion

March 17, 2023 - TetraMap_Admin

Of the four TetraMap® perspectives, ‘compassion’ is the one that often raises an eyebrow at first glance. The surprise is understandable. Over the decades, the imagery and persona around leadership as a topic has associated it more with qualities of strength, fortitude, achievement and knowledge.

5 ways TetraMap® can improve your conversations

October 29, 2020 - TetraMap_Admin

By understanding the preferred natural behaviours – of me and others ~ even with complete strangers – brilliantly helps navigate all sorts of situations. Playing with this, we’ve deepened the tool even more to make a huge impact on every type of conversation, especially when combined with a magical coach-blend + emotional awareness.

What’s really going on here? How TetraMap helps to grow systemic awareness

August 31, 2020 - Brett

Many problems are complex and those we are experiencing in the 21 Century illustrate this well. Across the world, the threat of the Covid-19 pandemic presents levels of complexity that have and continue to grow.  In technology, the future growth of AI is an ongoing debate made up of many different perspectives. 

If only you knew your greatness…

July 6, 2020 - TetraMap_Admin

A fellow participant on a training programme that I’m attending shared this passage with me. I was taken aback by its power and that the author seems to be talking to me; it gives me new hope, I just need to unlock my power!

It has to be everybody or nobody

October 3, 2019 - Louise

We are not going to be able to operate our Spaceship Earth successfully nor for much longer unless we see it as a whole spaceship and our fate as common. It has to be everybody or nobody.” – Buckminster Fuller in the 1970’s.

Reinventing rubbish: how to cut the trash in half

August 5, 2019 - TetraMap_Admin

by Esther Bukholt, Reinventing rubbish in our household began some years ago, when my husband and I decided that we could surely do better than putting a bag of rubbish out to the kerbside every week.

Opening minds when negotiating

November 30, 2018 - TetraMap_Admin

Learn more from Andy about how the ATN Group use TetraMap to help improve participants negotiating skills. ATN  sought a tool to integrate into their negotiation programme that was unique and offered a new way of engaging and opening minds to increase performance.
By Andy Newstead, Managing Director 

Three Buckets of Diversity

October 30, 2018 - Louise

06-11-18 by Louise Duncan, General Manager TetraMap International

Are you deeply curious about the people who are not like you? Asked Lana West, Head of People and Culture, at Beca Limited – an engineering firm with around 3000 staff at a morning breakfast ‘Leveraging Difference and Diversity’  hosted by the Employers Manufacturing Association (EMA). 


Be different. Be yourself.

September 6, 2018 - TetraMap_Admin

Learn more from Priscilla how TetraMap helps with job interviews, people who are in the midst of a career transition to learn more about themselves as well as others. One of the huddles for a career transitioner is to ace the interview process.
By Priscilla Looi


Guilt-free parenting 

August 29, 2018 - TetraMap_Admin

Mum Guilt is a regular occurrence for me, but, this year, I didn’t want to spend the summer holidays consumed with what I was doing wrong. It got me thinking about TetraMap.
By Jo Rix 


Words of wisdom from Dr. Seuss

August 9, 2018 - TetraMap_Admin

9-7-18 by Louise Duncan, Managing Director, TetraMap International  

More than 25 years after his death – Dr. Seuss’ books still sit at number one on the children’s bestseller list.  So, what’s the secret?


International Leadership Events

June 20, 2018 - TetraMap_Admin

Three Master TetraMap Facilitators Alex (MX), James (UK) and Dan (US) came together to collaborate, synergise, and share leadership expertise with 200 participants and facilitators in Mexico.
By Alex Villarreal. 


Metaphors aren’t true

April 3, 2018 - TetraMap_Admin

03-04-18 by Louise Duncan, Managing Director, TetraMap International

“Metaphors aren’t true.  But they’re useful. That’s why professionals use them to teach, to learn and to understand. A metaphor takes what we know and uses it as a lever to understand something else.”  Seth Godin, Writer, Marketer, Blogger


It’s not exactly rocket science…or is it?

March 15, 2018 - TetraMap_Admin

15-3-18 by Louise Duncan, Managing Director, TetraMap International 

TetraMap is not exactly rocket science – but it does help make those hard to master soft skills a whole lot easier to learn and understand. After all, today’s catch-phrase is ‘simplify’ not ‘complexify’!


Humpty Dumpty – a poem about appreciating the Elements

March 6, 2018 - TetraMap_Admin

6-3-18 by Nita Kerepeti-Ikin, a  Certified TetraMap Facilitator and Administrator for Te Paepae Arahi; a kaupapa Maori health organisation. 

Nita’s poem reaches to the heart of TetraMappers celebrating the warmth and spirit that demonstrates Fire and Water at its very best.  When Nita was asked about who inspired her I was also inspired to learn about Waireti Walters who was an outstanding and remarkable Maori health worker who was also a Certified Facilitator. 


White paper: Emotional Intelligence

November 30, 2016 - TetraMap_Admin

9-12-2015 by Certified TetraMap Facilitator Robin Hills

Put simply, emotional intelligence is how we combine our thinking with our feelings in order to build quality relationships and make better decisions.

This white paper discusses why emotional intelligence is increasingly relevant to organisational development and the link between psychometric testing, personality profiling, and emotional intelligence.


Emotionally intelligent leadership

November 29, 2016 - TetraMap_Admin

24-03-15  A Q&A with Marcy Levy Shankman, Certified TetraMap Facilitator

The second edition of the ground-breaking book Emotionally Intelligent Leadership, co-authored by a Certified TetraMap Facilitator, was released in January. Read our exclusive interview with Marcy Levy Shankman as she talks about the second edition and the different schools of thought that have emerged on Emotional Intelligence in the past year.


Confused about choosing a ‘personality profiling’ tool?

November 28, 2016 - TetraMap_Admin

You may be considering incorporating a personality profiling tool into a training program to strengthen participants’ learning. While the prospect may at first seem exciting, it’s not unusual to end up feeling a little overwhelmed given the abundance of tools on the market.
By  Liz Payne